Crom Carmichael Talks Mob Psychology, Governmental Bureaucracy, and Obama’s Motto


Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to continue the conversation of the mob psychology in Washington, D.C. and explain the inefficiencies and incompetence of governmental bureaucracies and messaging.

Leahy: We are live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee. And we are talking with the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael about how the mob mentality that was started in America sort of in the 19th century really seems to be taking over the government. You know you’re talking about the military-industrial complex as the first element of that if you will. We were warned back in 1960 by President Dwight Eisenhower apparently.

Carmichael: Right. As he was leaving office. But I was really talking about that one more as it also is part of the problem. Now you also have and I’m learning more and more about this. All of our federal institutions. If you look at the FDA, for example. What have we learned more than any other thing from Operation Warp Speed? What have we learned?

Leahy: If you get rid of the unnecessary regulations you get things done quickly.

Carmichael: Yes. And Big Pharma was opposed to Operation Warp Speed. Now it then finally participated but it initially resisted. The FDA initially resisted. So what did Trump do? Trump brought somebody else in from the outside and said you’re in charge of Operation Warp Speed and you’re in charge of the entire FDA apparatus in regard to this single vaccine.

Leahy: A great managerial move.

Carmichael: Yes. Yes, and what he did was within nine months. Now, let’s look at all of the swampish people who then tried to organize against Trump. The leader of the pack was Anthony Fauci followed by that fool and I call him a fool because not only is he a terrible bureaucrat and he doesn’t even think well, that guy that was head of the CDC.

Leahy: Redfield.

Carmichael: Redfield. But he rose because he was a klutz. That’s what’s particularly scary because if you’re really good and you really want to make policy better you’re not going to rise because you’re going to get so much pushback from the people inside who like the status quo and are perfectly happy with mediocrity at best. The same thing was true with the VA system. Under Obama and Biden people waited months for an appointment.

A lot of people died. The service level was terrible. Why? The VA is owned and run by the federal government. Every one of their employees is a member of a union. Trump finally got legislation passed through Congress that gave whoever the administration is, the authority to fire somebody who works at a VA hospital for incompetence. imagine that you have people who are dealing with people’s lives.

And until you passed a piece of legislation you couldn’t get rid of them. Now, by the way, we have exactly the same problem with the teachers’ unions. You can’t get rid of a bad teacher. And by the way, 70 to 80 percent of the teachers are really good and really want to do a good job. But there are 10 to 20 percent who are not good teachers.

But even worse you have 70 to 80 percent of the bureaucrats at the boards of educations in the various metropolitan areas who are detrimental to a quality education because they’re pushing an agenda or they’re pushing something that allows them to keep their job and accomplish nothing positive. And so these are the problems that you have. And so it’s interesting to me. Now Obama was on TV the other night and he said something that was just fascinating to me. He complained about how the defund the police ‘how that message and how that motto hurt Democrats.’

Leahy: The motto.

Carmichael: The motto for Democrats, not the idea. It was the motto. And he and he complained. He said look he said when you use expressions, that’s the word you used, when you use expressions, like defund the police you lose a lot of voters. So you shouldn’t be using…

Leahy: Don’t call it that.

Carmichael: Don’t call it that. And Barack Obama was a master at telling people what they wanted to hear and then doing whatever it is that he wanted to do.

Leahy: What he’s saying is you guys at Black Lives Matter should have paid more attention to my style and my approach. It would have been more successful.

Carmichael: Then you could sell them to defund the police and you could get the people elected that you needed to defund the police. But also to control the legislators and control the elections and all these other things that we on the left need to control if we’re going to impose our agenda because we can’t get our passed voluntarily.

Leahy: This is the subtle tactical advice from a master manipulator.

Carmichael: Yeah, so it’s interesting. So if you look at what Obama promised compared to whether or not he kept his promises compared to Trump, of all the presidents in my lifetime, a close second is Ronald Reagan, but of all the presidents in my lifetime, Donald Trump has kept or attempted to keep, in fact, there’s not a major promise that he made in his campaign that he hasn’t either kept or tried to keep.

Leahy: And he was only prohibited from keeping it by John McCain.

Carmichael: By John McCain. By one guy. And that was the repeal of Obamacare so that you could replace it. Now the forces that are lined up in support of Obamacare are mostly these big and what I call mob psychology or intellectual mobs and that is the health insurance companies. And now by the way every one of these people, for example, the mobsters in Chicago and New York who are running the speakeasies and alcohol and all that, they thought that what they were doing was just fine. It was okay. Might even be good. Because first of all everyone who was a customer was a voluntary customer.

Leahy: Right.

Carmichael: Now they fought amongst each other and killed each other over the money. But in the healthcare space, you try to reduce the amount of influence and the amount that insurance companies are in and then the insurance people start acting more like the mobs. And the way that they handle it is through lobbyists. That’s where the payoffs are. And Big Pharma is right in there with them.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 










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